Be creative!

How to be creative in 14 days?

  • 14 free tips,

  • 14 methods,

  • for 14 days,

  • via E-mail.

You will discover your creativity and yourself again in 14 days.

Why is it good for you to be creative?

Creativity – everything is as happy, as it was in our childhood.

For the reason that creative people are happier, smarter, healthier, richer, they have more friends, they live longer.

The email course is free, it does not impose any obligation on you.

What is creativity?

Creativity is identified as creative art, but it does not cover the reality perfectly. As creativity is not the creative art, it is the creativity itself.

Creativity means that we are able to invent new things, see new relations in old things; we are able to renovate, to create and to develop. At the same time, it is a mistake to link this ability only to physical things, because creativity very often has no external traits, it can only be a process within the human being.

Creativity –Eureka! Can you see it, too?

For example, it is a very creative moment, when we have an “AHA-experience”, when we touch our foreheads: “I see!”. This phenomenon is sometimes called “the penny dropped”, as well. Recognitions, realizations and atypical insights can only come true if we are creative enough.

If we are not creative, we have difficulties in predicting the consequences of our decisions, we are not able to plan, we do stupid things, and we can hardly get out of this spiral. There are things that have bad impact on our creativity, such as alcohol, excessive smoking, unbearable stress, certain diseases, too tight deadlines, too tight limits.

But if there are things that are harmful to creativity, there are certainly things that are useful to it,  and develop this ability, as well . These will be discussed at the 14 day- course, involving a total of 14 creativity-developing lessons.

Why are creativity and its development important?

In the 21st century, it is not intelligence, but creativity that is leading the world forward.

Giant companies, such as Google, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, and various gaming companies are not looking for intelligence in itself, or for certain kinds of intelligence in their employees ( such as emotional intelligence was very fashionable at the end of the 20th century), but CREATIVITY.

Exalting, renovation and revolution are only possible with creative mind, by maximizing the right brain hemisphere. Only very few are at this high level, because the side effect of the educational system is that creativity is in the background, because we are continuously using the left hemisphere.

Creativity – do you dare to stand out? Do you dare to be revolutionary?

If you do not use creativity  — in your life and work — with the same purposefulness as your logic, practically all your achievements are just the HALF of what you could reach, when being a bit smarter and a bit more conscious. Is half of the result enough for you?

With our creativity-enhancing online course, we are launching creative processes in your brain, so that you can safely rely on it later, because we are not scratching the surface!

Sign up and start to live your life much more creatively than ever before!

The course is FREE and it remains! You will get the first lesson after you apply.
By applying, you agree to our Privacy Policy.

You can unsubscribe from the E-mails at any time, of course.


The letters contain tasks; this is not an email course you read once, then your life will change. Tasks can take a few minutes, sometimes half an hour, or even an hour!

Albert Einstein said that the most certain sign of madness is, when you always do likewise, but you expect different results. You are going to do everything differently, so you will achieve different results :).

See you at the course!

Rita Vidi





The creativity developing online course was prepared by Rita Vidi
The course is provided to you by RITART ACADEMY LTD.